b'26 Member News March 2020Volunteers Volunteering provides a wayfor me to give back to society.Weeser Tan BSc MSc MIET is this years winner of the IETs Paul Fletcher Medal, which is awarded to early career professionals to recognise outstanding work, significant career progress or contributions made to their industry or profession. Project EngineerProfessionals (YP) section of thecultures, languages and time Weeser worksIET Malaysia Network. zones involved, he said.at Underwriters LaboratoriesWithin two years he had beenWeesers IET volunteer track (UL), South Eastelected as the YP Section Chair, arecord is testament to his skills as Asia Region. Hisposition that included leading thea leader and influencer. He said:volunteeringcommittee, managing Malaysias journey started11 On Campus groups, planning in 2010 when, atthe budget and motivating the age of 23 andthe team, as well as helping toThe success of an event in his first job role, heorganise the YP Communitiesis reflected on the faces became a memberVolunteer Conference Asia Pacific of the YoungRegion event and an annual two- of my team and the day team building event.attendees. When a team He worked hard to establishis proud of what it has close ties with other YP Sectionsachieved and stays in in the region, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei,touch after an event,New Zealand and Australia.to me, that is success.Determined to maintain and capitalise on these international engineering connections, in 2014 Weeser took on the roleIn November 2019, Weesers of YP Representative for theastonishing contribution to the Communities Committee,IET during the last nine years Asia Pacific. He went on tosaw him being presented with organise numerous regional IETthe Paul Fletcher Award at a events, including the Faradayceremony in London, UK. He Challenge and the Presentsaid: I feel very honoured to Around The World Asia Pacifichave been given this prestigious regional finals. award, which I accepted on behalf of all the IET teams that In 2017 Weeser becameI have worked with. I see it as Chair of the IETs global YPrecognition not just for me, Communities Committee (YPCC).but for all the IET volunteers in Supported by his team and IETMalaysia, Asia Pacific and around staff members, he organisedthe world.many successful global events for young engineers and students: ItIm proud that Ive been able to was quite a demanding role, nothelp, coach and assist students least because the internationaland graduates in their careers. nature of the committee meantVolunteering provides a way for that there were many differentme to give back to society.Find out more about Weeser at: theiet.org/meet-our-volunteers2019 IET Paul Fletcher Award Winner Weeser Tan BSc MSc MIET'