b"ier 1 Highligh\x1fsNew Hampshire RedNew Hampshire Redbow plumage is a deeper chestnut color.New Hampshire Reds were developed in the early 1900's with Rhode Island Reds as the foundation stock. They were selected for early growth and maturity, meat production and production of large brown eggs. New Hampshire Red chicks are light red with lighter chests and wing tips. They have single combs and clean, yellow legs and feet. Adult plumage is primarily chestnut red with a black tail. Males will appear to be slightly darker because the male sickle, hackle, back, covert and wing White Leghorn White LeghornLeghorns originated in Italy prior to 1815 and first came to North America in 1828 where they were initially known as Italians. Most of the color varieties of Leghorns were developed in Great Britain, America and Denmark. White Leghorn chicks are pale yellow or creamy white. They have single combs and clean, yellow legs and feet. All of the adult plumage is white with a few black spots.1-800-243-3257 IdealPoultry.com sales@idealpoultry.com10"