b'ier 5 Highligh\x1fsSalmon FaverolleSalmon Faverollebows and coverts are salmon-brown. Faverolles originated in northern France in the village of Faverolle from Houdans, Dorkings and Asiatic breeds. Salmon Faverolle chicks are light yellow with cream-colored beards and muffs. They have single combs and feathers on their five-toed feet and legs. Adult males have black beard, muff, front of neck, breast, body, main tail, lower thigh, leg and toe plumage. The sickles, lesser sickles and coverts of the tail are greenish black while the head, hackle and saddle feathers are straw colored. The wing fronts are black, wing bows are straw colored tinged with reddish brown, and the wing feathers are black edged with white. Adult females have creamy white beards, muffs, front of neck, breast, body, leg and toe plumage. The head, back, main tail, tail coverts, wing fronts, White Cochin White Cochin First known as Chinese Shanghai Fowl, Cochins first came to America in 1845. They were originally known for their prolific production of brown eggs, but selection was later directed towards the production of fowl and roaster meat. Today, since other breeds are more efficient meat producers, they are primarily kept for their unique appearance. The chicks are light yellow with some being a little smoky in appearance. They have single combs and feathered legs and feet. Adults have white plumage throughout the body. Cochins have a notably large body, with soft and loose feathers that accentuate their size.1-800-243-3257 IdealPoultry.com sales@idealpoultry.com 26'