b'ier 7 Highligh\x1fsBlue Copper MaransBlue Copper Maransdual-purpose breed for the homestead or backyard flock.Blue Copper Marans are primarily known for their large dark chocolate brown eggs. Blue Copper Marans eggs are the darkest of all the Marans varieties. As with all dark brown egg layers, the eggs are the darkest at the beginning of the laying cycle. The eggs will lighten slightly then return to darkest color after a period of time. Blue Copper Marans do well on free range, causing less damage through heavy scratching. These feathered-legged birds are fast growers and are a good Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Blue Laced Red Wyandotte The true origin of the Wyandotte is unknown; however, Dark Brahmas and Spangled Hamburgs were probably used in the development of the original Silver Laced variety. Blue Laced Red Wyandotte chicks are primarily brown, with some light blue to black on their backs and heads. They have a rose comb with yellow and brown, clean legs and feet. Adults have a primarily self-blue plumage with blue lacing around the edges of each feather.1-800-243-3257 IdealPoultry.com sales@idealpoultry.com 30'