b'Cornish & BroilersC\x1fnish Rocks Red Broilers1-14 15-49 50+ 1-14 15-49 50-99 100+ST.RUNS $4.75 $4.07 $3.97 ST.RUNS $5.02 $4.39 $4.28 $4.18Cornish Rocks are not hatched by Ideal Poultry; however, we wil be happy to have them shipped to you.The minimum order for Cornish Rocks is 10. Cornish Rocks and Broilers are available as straight runs only - none sexed.Mature Body Breed Adult Plumage Purpose Comb Weight (lbs) Availability MaleFemaleCornish Rock White Meat Single 10 8.5 Year Round Red Broiler Primarily RedMeatSingle10 8.5 Feb - JulyWhen Cornish Rocks are full fed a high energy broiler ration, they are susceptible to Ascites which is a build up of fluid in the body cavity, as well as leg weakness anddifficulty walking. You can reduce the likelihood of this occurring by restricting their feed consumption to 12 hours with feed, 12 hours without. 33 1-800-243-3257 IdealPoultry.com sales@idealpoultry.com'