b' Cool Be Friends Kids Coop Our very own Ideal chick has his own page. Feel free to download these coloring sheets and have fun making them your own. Be sure to share your coloring creation with us on Facebook and Instagram by tagging Ideal Poultry and using the hashtag #idealkidscoopfor a chance to win free swag! Live Did you know that Ideal Poultry offers a live chat feature? One of our representatives is waiting to answer any poultry questions you may have, including shipping and hatch day Cha\x1fquestions, during our normal business hours.To access the live chat feature, please visit our website at www.idealpoultry.com. We loveto \x1falk!Calling all the crazy chicken people!!Ideal Poultry is on social media. Find us on Facebook and Instagram. Like us, Share us, LOVE us!! You will find hatch day flash sales, Breed of the Week facts and pictures, and fun interactive games such as Guess that Chick, with awesome prizes . Type Ideal Poultry in the search bar and hit that follow button! We look forward to interacting with you!1-800-243-3257 IdealPoultry.com sales@idealpoultry.com 56'