b'10 Member News November 2019Professional developmentCommunity-minded On Campus team wins Group of the Year The team ofstudents behind Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus have won our 2019 Group of the Year Award with their inspiring outreach activities. The On Campus group, inSwinburne Sarawak IET On Campus groupMalaysia, applied for the awardSalak, where they identifiedeffectively present theirAs winners of IET On Campus earlier this year, describing aissues impacting families livesideas. On Campus GroupGroup of the Year, the team community service project asincluding rubbish disposal.of the Year competitionreceive a trophy and 1,000 prize their most successful event.Students investigated thejudges said that this wasmoney towards future events. issues, came up with solutionsan excellent example of The project involved studentsand even participated in aengineering a better worldFind out more aboutvisiting and interviewing morepresentation and pitchingand what the group hadIET On Campus groups at: than 15 families in Kampungskills workshop so they could achieved was beyond praise. theiet.org/oncampusAutomotive Network starts conversation on ethicsOur Automotive and Road Transport Systems network got people talking about ethics in autonomous vehicle design at their seminar at IET London: Savoy Place in May. Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) hold theand Alex Beavan, Oxbotica, outlined how their promise of being safer than manually drivenorganisations design AVs using algorithms and vehicles, says Alan Stevens CEng FIET,machine learning. There were also interactive University of Southampton, a networksessions putting participants ethical thinking member who co-organised the seminar.to the test. But to realise that potential, ethicalof interest. It was a great example of a issues need to be considered early on inGiven the complexity of ethics, thetechnical network engaging IET members the design of AVs. For example, how doproblems werent solved in one seminar.and sharing knowledge, says Alan.we programme vehicles to respond whereMany diverse skills and perspectives need to be involved in these discussions, saysThe seminar has brought ethics to the collisions are highly likely or unavoidable? Alan. Rather like safety, the responsibilityattention of the IET Transport Panel, who To address these and other questions,for ethical behaviour will be sharedare now participating in a safety and ethics the seminar brought in experts in ethicalbetween many stakeholders. Developingof autonomous systems initiative with the theory and AV design. Professor Tom Sorell,guidelines and standards in this area will beRoyal Academy of Engineering.University of Warwick, and Reverend Dr Markdifficult, but necessary.Bratton, Bishop of Coventrys Adviser onAs the first IET seminar to combineFor videos and presentationsMedical Ethics, discussed ethical theory anddiscussions on ethical theory andfrom this event, please visit:its application to AVs. Lucy Yu, from Five AI,engineering principles, it generated a lottheiet.org/automotive'