b'26|IET Futures FundOur DonorsBelling Charitable SettlementExilarchsRuth andFoundation Nigel FineGraham andProfessorThe Whitaker Kathleenand MrsCharitable Tubbs Weiss TrustWe are grateful to the many individual members who gave to the Futures Fund and through the Take Your Place option.Presidents PartnershipCommodore Barry Brooks CMarEng FIMarEST CEng Mr Keith Thrower OBE FREng CEng FIETFCGI FIET Sir Robin Saxby FREng FRS BEng CEng HonFIETProf Bob Cryan CBE DL FREng MBA DSc CEng FIET Prof Sir Chris Snowden BSc MSc PhD FRS FREng CEng FIETMr Chris Earnshaw OBE FREng BSc CEng FIET Sir Alan Rudge CBE KB PhD FREng FRS CEng HonFIET'