b'Partner News Summer 2021 23EnterpriseBuilding powerful partnerships with GES GroupToday, almost all business functions areSwitchgear and automation dependent on a steadfast and harmoniseddesign: A case study electrical supply, one that is well-designed,The Design, Build, Install & Commission a maintained, automated, controlled, energyCritical Distribution Panel.efficient and mechanically vibration-free. We offer all these services in-houseOur team in GES Automation designed, through our experienced and qualifiedbuilt, installed, and commissioned engineers. To be successful in the industrydistribution boards to the customer we need to attract, train, and retainspecification, including designing the professional individuals, and to encouragetripping discrimination. them to enter the engineering and manufacturing sectors; the IET associatedOur Site Services team then carried out companies are a key contributory towardsthe installation during shutdowns over this process. a three-week period, working to tight deadlines and schedules, as the installation GES Automation (a division in GES Group)and commission was time critical.is a leading manufacturer of control and switchgear panels. We specialiseFollowing the on-site install and in the design, build, install, repair andcommission, GES Group have been maintenance of power and control systems.appointed to carry out Planned Preventive GES Group are the only panel builder inMaintenance on the system, and our Ireland trained to install and retrofit PAFSSReactive Team provide 24/7/365 fire suppression systems in control andEmergency Breakdown Cover. Our holistic distribution panels.approach to customer power systems ensures all their needs are met by one Our strong product portfolio and keyprovider.supplier partnerships mean that we can provide the ultimate power solution. OurAbout GES Group: The backbone aim is to design, build, and fully integrateof industrycost-effective systems for our customersGES Group, an award-winning industry-benefit, which are CE certified andleading organisation, provide power and designed to IEC 61439.energy solutions for SMEs and large multi-nationals across a range of industries Our experienced engineers maintain directUK, Ireland and beyond. The group has contact with our customers, offering astrong and long-standing trading history complete service, including consultationextending in growth across a significant and planning, design and assembly,number of industry sectors, in their drive to installation, maintenance, and service.develop the renewable energy goal.Using the latest technology, we work in close co-operation with the customer, toFind out more at ges-group.comachieve the best solution for each control problem.'