b'PRESIDENT\'S CORNERCracking the Code:Breast MRI Coverage Updates Under Act 1by Pat Halpin-Murphy, President and FounderW and implementation. Act 1, which was introduced by PA Sen. President Pro Tempore Kimhen Act 1 of 2023 became law, the Coalition immediately got to work on the next phase of advocacy: education Ward and signed by Governor Josh Shapiro last year, eliminates all costs associated with breast MRI, breast ultrasound, and BRCA-related genetic testing and counseling for individuals at high risk for breast cancer who are insured under Pennsylvania law. We were the first state in the nation to pass this comprehensive legislation. I encourage you to learn more details on our website at pbcc.me/Act1.In our last edition of Frontline, we provided the detailed steps to take before scheduling your breast MRI covered at no cost under Act 1. Now, we\'re taking it a step further. Thanks to your calls and emails, we are aware that many breast MRI medical bills are not understandable. Some patients have been denied no-cost coverage, despite fitting the Act 1 coverage criteria, due to specific billing codes called ICD codes that are submitted to insurers.The Coalition has partnered with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and a team of expert providers to clear the confusion and provide you with answers and resources. Join us Tuesday, October 15 at the PA Breast Cancer Coalition Conference in Harrisburg and visit our website PABreastCancer.org for the latest announcements and information on Act 1. Our goal is always to ensure that Pennsylvanians have access to essential early detection screenings. Stay tuned!INSURANCE COMPANY LAW OF 1921 - COVERAGE FOR MAMMOGRAPHICEXAMINATIONS AND DIAGNOSTIC BREAST IMAGING AND COVERAGE FOR BRCA-RELATED GENETIC COUNSELING AND GENETIC TESTINGAct of May 1, 2023, P.L. 1, No. 1SB 8 Session of 2023No. 2023-1 Cl. 40 Amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), entitled "AnAN ACTact relating to insurance; amending, revising, andconsolidating the law providing for the incorporation ofinsurance companies, and the regulation, supervision, andprotection of home and foreign insurance companies, Lloydsassociations, reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges, andfire insurance rating bureaus, and the regulation andsupervision of insurance carried by such companies,associations, and exchanges, including insurance carried by theState Workmen\'s Insurance Fund; providing penalties; andrepealing existing laws," in casualty insurance, furtherproviding for coverage for mammographic examinations anddiagnostic breast imaging and providing for coverage for BRCA-related genetic counseling and genetic testing.The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania herebyenacts as follows:Section 1.Section 632 heading and (b) of the act of May 17,1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of1921, are amended and the section is amended by adding asubsection to read:Section 632.Coverage for Mammographic Examinations and[Diagnostic] Breast Imaging.* * *(b)A group or individual health or sickness or accidentinsurance policy providing hospital or medical/surgical coverageand a group or individual subscriber contract or certificateissued by any entity subject to 40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 or 63, this act,the "Health Maintenance Organization Act," the "Fraternal BenefitSociety Code" or an employe welfare benefit plan as defined insection 3 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974providing hospital or medical/surgical coverage shall also providecoverage for breast imaging. The minimum coverage required shallinclude [supplemental magnetic resonance imaging or, if suchimaging is not possible, ultrasound if recommended by the treatingphysician] all costs associated with one supplemental breastscreening every yearincreased risk of breast cancer due to: because the woman is believed to be at an(1)personal history of atypical breast histologies;(2)personal history or family history of breast cancer;(3)genetic predisposition for breast cancer;May 1, 2023: Governor Josh Shapiro shakes hands with PBCC PresidentPat Halpin-Murphy at the signing of Act 1 of 2023 in the Capitol RotundaAct 1: 101Want to learn more about Act 1, who it covers and when? Experts from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department will answer your questions at a special Act 1 workshop presentation at the PBCC Conference on Tuesday, October 15. Register >> pbcc.me/register'