b'MEDICAL NEWS POTAMKIN PRIZE WINNERCuring Breast Cancer: What Will It Take?Eric Winer, MDDirector, Yale Cancer CenterPresident and Physician-in-Chief, Smilow Cancer Hospital - Yale New Haven Health SystemT hetreatmentofbreastcancerhasevolvedSecond, we need to identify better approaches to treat dramaticallyoverthepast25years.Becauseofthe four major subtypes of breast cancer: 1) TNBC or triple advances in risk assessment, prevention, screening,negative breast cancer; 2) High grade ER+ breast cancer and treatment, survival rates have increased, and quality(often called luminal B breast cancer); 3) HER2+ breast of life has improved significantly. Perhaps the single mostcancer (which can be either ER+ or ER-); and 4) Low grade important change has been the appreciation that breastER+ breast cancer (often called luminal A breast cancer). cancerisnotasingleentity,butafamilyofdiseases.We have made substantial progress in the treatment of OurabilitytoindividualizescreeningapproachesandbothHER2+breastcancerandlowgradeER+breast treatment has evolved, and as a result we have far morecancer. However, new treatments are urgently needed for individualized approaches than in the past. both triple negative breast cancer and high grade ER+ breast as these remain the two subtypes with the highest In spite of the improvements, there are still over 40,000risk of disease recurrence and subsequent mortality.deathseachyearintheUnitedStatesalonefrom breastcancer,andapproximatelyhalfamilliondeathsThird,andperhapsmostimportantly,weneedbetter worldwide. Breast cancer incidence both in the U.S. and" approachestodeliverequitablecaretoallindividuals around the globe continueswithbreastcancer. toincrease.Moreover,Peoplewithlowerlevels breastcancerresultsinof education, inadequate considerable morbidity andOurabilitytoindividualizescreeningfinancialresources,no needlesssuffering.Howhealth insurance or poor arewegoingtoeliminateapproachesandtreatmenthasevolved,insurance,aswellas mortality from breast cancerandasaresultwehavefarmorethosewhoareBlack, andminimizetheadverseindividualized approaches than in the past. Hispanicorfromother impactonqualityoflife?underrepresented groups Several distinct approachespotentially lethal cancerscare andhow" areatfarhigherriskof are needed. receivingsubstandard ultimately losing their lives to breast cancer. It First, we need to differentiateis unknownmany deaths could be prevented if we fromthosethatwillneverthreatenanindividualscould eliminate breast cancer disparities, but the number life.Wehaveknownfordecadesthatsomecancersis large. The elimination of disparities in care would lead areextraordinarilyslowgrowingandwillneverbeto a dramatic decline in breast cancer deaths and is an lifethreatening.Withtheincreasinguseofscreeningurgent priority.mammography, we are diagnosing cases of breast cancer thatrepresenttrueoverdiagnosiseveniftheywereIn summary, we have much work to do, but with continued never detected, a woman would go on and lead a longscientific discovery and a persistent focus on disparities, and healthy life. We need to better identify these cases sowe will continue to see improvement in both survival and that we can avoid toxic treatment. quality of life in the years ahead.pbcc.me/registerDR. WINERCONFERENCEOPENING SESSIONTuesday, October 15 Hilton Harrisburg 8:30 a.m.'