b'outaboutS tudents from Lebanon School District, Harrisburg School District and the School District of Lancaster had the opportunity to participate in the PA Breast CancerCoalition\'sC.A.R.E.S.(Community,Advocacy, and Research Education for Students) program this year - more students than ever before! Lebanon and Harrisburg districtsexperiencedsimulatedstudiesincancer research, pathology, surgery and genetics at Penn State Cancer Institute in Hershey. TheAnnB.BarshingerCancerInstituteservedas hostsiteforanimmersiveeducationalexperience forstudentsfromtheSchoolDistrictofLancaster. Participantslearnedfromtheexpertsontopics including radiation oncology, chemotherapy, genetic counseling and healthcare careers. Executive Medical Director Randall Oyer and PA Senator Scott Martin were on hand to share insights with the students.FUTURE HEALTHCARE HEROESI want to be an oncologist.I\'ve always wanted to help people, so to be taking this step and shadowing more doctors here, I feel like that will help me so much.The C.A.R.E.S. program helped me see more of why I want to study oncology."Evianna London, School District of LancasterPROVIDING"I care about the futures and opportunities foryoungpeopleinPennsylvania.Through my involvement with the C.A.R.E.S. program, I was able toidentifyadditionalfieldsofstudytoincludeinthe Grow PA legislative initiative, which offers scholarships to high school students across Pennsylvania. Our C.A.R.E.S. partnership will no doubt increase the impact of these PBCC Board Member and Director of the Ann B. Barshingereffortsandserveasagatewaytogreater,affordable Cancer Institute Dr. Randall Oyer, PBCC President Pateducation for our next generation.Halpin-Murphy and PA Senator Scott Martin partnered to host the C.A.R.E.S. experience at Penn Medicine Lancaster. Sen. Scott Martin, Lancaster & Berks Counties'