AF Amistad High School Family Handbook 2017-2018 | 45 final grades. They do not become part of students’ official academic records and. As such, they do not apply to this policy; AFAHS will publish raw scores for progress reports, regardless of whether that score is above or below a 50. Minimum Grade per Assignment The lowest grade that an AFAHS student can earn on an assignment is a 35%. Missing assignments and assignments that are never completed to the minimum standard receive 35% in teacher grade books. When a teacher enters a score for an assignment that is based on a maximum point-value other than 100, the teacher must convert all minimum scores to the equivalent of 35% of that point value. (For example, for a 10-point assignment, no student can receive a grade lower than a 3.5; for a 20-point assignment, the lowest score would be a 7. Please note that in instances of plagiarism or other exceptional circumstances, the administration reserves the right to assign a grade lower than 35%. Homework Homework is an essential part of the AFAHS educational program: it is designed to reinforce skills taught in the classroom, to help scholars develop a deeper understanding of concepts, and to promote good study habits. Homework will be assigned every night at AFAHS, and high school scholars receive approximately three hours of homework per night. Homework must be completed in full and in accordance with AFAHS high standards for quality work and professional presentation. If a scholar’s homework is late, missing, incomplete, or of poor quality, or if the Reading Log is not completed properly, then the scholar may earn consequences. For example, the scholar may be required to make up the work during enrichment classes, breaks, meal times (the scholar will still be allowed to eat), or after school, or the scholar may be required to complete additional assignments. Moreover, since bringing all necessary books and supplies is part of homework, scholars may also face consequences if they do not bring all necessary books and supplies to school. Parents/guardians may receive a phone call if their child has missed several assignments. We need parent support to make sure all the homework gets done according to top quality standards. In order to further assist students in building strong homework habits, AFAHS runs an after- school computer lab is open from 3:35 pm to 4:35 pm Monday – Thursday and may be used as a space to work on papers or other computer-based homework. Due to staff Professional Development, there is no computer lab on Fridays. AFAHS teachers track homework completion. Students who fail to complete homework assignments or fail to meet AFAHS homework standards are subject to grading penalties, assignment to mandatory Homework Club, and homework demerits. (Accumulating Wolf Point Deductions may result in a status reduction, detention, and/or Friday extension.)