AF Amistad High School Family Handbook 2017-2018 | 48  Evaluations: The team determines which evaluations a student receives. A student usually receives a social evaluation, psychological evaluation, and educational assessment; sometimes students require specialized evaluations.  Eligibility Meeting: After the evaluations, the team reconvenes to determine if the data collected from the evaluations indicate that the student is eligible for a disability classification.  IEP Meeting: If the team determines that the student has a disability and is eligible for special education services, then an IEP meeting is called and the team articulates the supports and services the student will require in order to be successful. At any time you suspect your child has a disability, you have the right to refer your child to a PPT to determine if your child should be evaluated. You may complete a referral form or submit your concerns in writing. A PPT meeting will be arranged with the district, and you be notified at least 5 days prior to the PPT meeting. If you have questions about the special education referral process, please contact Jennifer Caruso, Dean of Special Services, at 203-675- 8990. Section 504 Plans and IEPs: Students with disabilities requiring specialized support may qualify for a support plan under either Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or an IEP under the IDEA. A Section 504 plan outlines individualized accommodations and services to support the scholar, which may include testing accommodation, homework accommodations, and special transportation. An IEP can include accommodations and modifications to the general curriculum, individualized goals and objectives, and services, such as special education services and related services including speech and language therapy and occupational therapy. If your child had a 504 plan or IEP at a previous school, please contact Jennifer Caruso, Dean of Special Services, at 203-675-8990. Behavior Achievement First Discipline Policy At Achievement First, we will do whatever it takes to make sure that every child is safe (physically, emotionally, and intellectually) and to make sure that every child has the chance to learn without needless disruptions. We have very high expectations for scholar behavior, and we “sweat the small stuff” to create and preserve a safe and focused learning environment. Our teachers will use a large array of strategies to promote positive behavior and to correct problem behaviors if they do arise. Our faculty uses positive reinforcement whenever possible,