AF Amistad High School Family Handbook 2017-2018 | 54  Being removed from class/asked to report to the Dean of Students’ office, Principals’ office, or other designated area during class more than three times in a given week  Excessive and/or repeated afterschool detentions  Repeated offenses for which the scholar has already earned in-class or in-school suspension or other consequences Other serious offenses  Other breaches of the school's rules or values judged to be serious by the Principal or Dean of Students  This includes but is not limited to serious versions of issues listed under the infractions category Major Offenses Scholars who commit the following infractions… … may face one of the following consequences Medication and Tobacco  Using or possessing over-the-counter medication inappropriately Using or possessing tobacco products Fleeing or blocking access  Fleeing an area, which includes but is not limited to running around the classroom for more than 5 seconds, running in the hallways away from adults, running out of the building, running between floors  Blocking access to any part of the school building Action that impairs the school’s ability to function - Action that seriously impairs the ability of the school to function, including, but not limited to, extreme language, refusal to move, intentionally sustained distracting behavior, or demeaning or intimidating speech.  Other consequence deemed appropriate by school staff and board of directors, including, but not limited to, consequences outlined for infractions or serious infractions.  In School Suspension  Out of School Suspension  Expulsion (CT)