AF Amistad High School Family Handbook 2017-2018 | 57  Physically assaulting a staff member or other adult members of the school community; this includes, but is not limited to hitting, kicking, punching, slapping, or pushing  Significant destruction or attempted significant destruction of school property, including arson  Scholar charged with or convicted of a felony  Making bomb threats or violent verbal or physical threats, empty or otherwise  Scholars with a protective order against them that is based on or involves violence, severe harassment, or threat of violence against another scholar of staff In addition to the range of school responses, interventions, and consequences listed above, scholars who are suspended for more than 10 total days and/or disciplined for patterns of behavior which may be the result of an unidentified disability will be referred to a Planning and Placement Team (PPT). The PPT is a team composed of the student’s parent, teachers, school administrators, and district representatives. The PPT will review current student data and determine whether the student should be tested to determine if the scholar qualifies for Special Education services. For more information about the PPT, see the Special Services section (page 51). Mandatory Expulsion in Connecticut Connecticut state law requires that the principal must recommend expulsion of one calendar year, subject to modification on a case by case basis, in all cases against any scholar whom the administration reasonably believes: 1. Was in possession on school property or at a school sponsored activity of a deadly weapon, dangerous instrument, martial arts weapon, or facsimile as defined in 18 UCS § 921 and Connecticut General Statute 53a-3 as amended from time to time; or 2. Was, while off school grounds, in possession of a firearm as defined in 18 UCS § 921, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes 29-35, or possessed and used a firearm as defined in 18 UCS § 921, a deadly weapon, a dangerous instrument or a martial arts weapon in the commission of a crime; or 3. Was engaged on or off school grounds in offering for sale, transfer or distribution a controlled substance (as defined in Connecticut General Statutes 21a-240), whose manufacturing, distribution, sale, prescription, dispensing, transporting, or possessing with intent to sell or dispense, offering or administering is subject to criminal penalties under Connecticut General Statutes 21a-277 and 21a-278. Distribution may mean an exchange without money transferring from one to another.