AF Amistad High School Family Handbook 2017-2018 | 69 Daily Detention Detention is held daily from 3:26-4:35 pm (Monday-Thursday) and 1:00 – 2:00 pm (Fridays). AFAHS makes great efforts to communicate with families about detention and extension. Scholars are notified in three ways that they have detention:  Orally – Teachers at AFAHS are required to tell a scholar each time they earn a Wolf Point Deduction.  Automated Phone Call – The school will place an automated phone call (to the “golden number” provided) to each scholar the night before they must serve a detention.  On a List – The school posts the daily detention list publicly in the hallways. If a scholar’s name is on the list, they are expected to go to detention without exception. In Detention, students will:  Be Silent – They may not talk, communicate, or make noises.  Sit Up Straight – They may not put their head down or slouch.  Follow All Directions – They must follow all directions from the teacher in charge.  Be Respectful – Talk to and respond to the teacher in charge with respectful language, tone, and body language.  Complete School Work –Scholars will work on their homework for that night. If they have completed their work, they may then read a book. They may not draw or choose to do nothing. Please also note that students can still receive Wolf Points and Wolf Point Deductions during detention and that three Wolf Point Deductions during detention will result in the student being removed and placed in ISC the following day. Being Excused from Detention Detention in Error If a scholar believes that their detention has been issued in error, they must still go to the detention. Great efforts are made on the part of the school to ensure accurate Wolf Point and Wolf Point Deduction entry, and the school simply cannot accommodate the volume of requests that allowing in-the-moment changes would require. Once in detention, a scholar may fill out a Detention Appeal Form which is available during detention. They must then submit it to the Dean of Students, who will review each appeal individually. If the Dean of Students agrees, the scholar will receive a “Detention Free” pass to use at a later date, as well as a +10 Wolf Point bonus.