AF Amistad High School Family Handbook 2017-2018 | 70 1 Free Pass Per Quarter Scholars may miss 1 detention per quarter consequence free. This no longer requires a phone call in advance. Effectively, the first time a scholar misses detention this counts as the quarter pass – whether missing was intentional or not. Medical and Legal Reasons AFAHS also automatically excuses scholars from detention for either medical (doctor’s appointments, dentist appointments, etc.) or legal reasons (court appearances, DCF meetings, etc.) so long as a note is brought in to school. Scholars must bring this note the following day and deposit in the appropriate box in the hallway outside the School Nurse office. The school also, on a case by case basis, may excuse students for extreme situations (i.e. death of a family member). Skipped Detentions AFAHS goes to great length to ensure our detention process is fair and accurate. Thus, it takes skipping detention and extension very seriously. Anyone who does not attend detention for anything other than the reasons listed above or is removed from detention will automatically receive a -50 Wolf Point Deduction and receive an appropriate consequence based upon the following table: # Detentions Not Completed Consequence 1 Quarter Pass – no consequence 2 -50 Demerit + family call + letter to scholar 3 -50 Demerit + family call + letter to scholar +family meeting 4 -50 Demerit +ISS the following day + family meeting 5 -50 Demerit + 1 day OSS + family meeting Acute Discipline The overarching goal of AFAHS is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to attend the college of their choice. However, there are times at which it is in the best interest of the broader student body to remove a student from class to preserve the integrity of the learning environment and the authority of the teacher. AFAHS provides students with a structured, silent room known as the Independent Study Center (ISC) in which students are given supports to help them understand the long-term impact of their choices.