AF Amistad High School Family Handbook 2017-2018 | 73 not be disruptive in the removal area or other classrooms or offices, demonstrate that he/she is calm and ready to return to class, practice building skills in the areas in which he/she struggled to make appropriate choices, and have a satisfactory conversation with the dean or dean’s designee about the behavior and how the scholar is to behave the rest of the day and in the future. In addition, the scholar may be required to have a discussion with and apologize to the relevant teacher or staff member before re-entering the class.  When a scholar is removed, the Teacher, Dean of Students or his/her designee will call the scholar’s parent to: o Notify the parent of the scholar’s removal; which teacher referred the scholar for the removal; and which staff member conducted the removal; and o In some circumstances, allow the scholar and parent an opportunity to discuss the scholar’s removal.  The dean, principal, or designee will record the amount of time lost from class.  In cases of major or egregious behavior, the principal or dean may decide that the behavior warrants additional consequences that would keep the scholar from returning to class. In School Suspensions (ISS or ISC) The Principal or a Dean of Students, as a designee of the Principal, also has the authority to issue In School Suspensions. An in-school-suspension involves the scholar attending school but not attending regular classes and lasts between 90 minutes and 10 days. An In School Suspension can only be issued by the principal or dean. When a scholar has engaged in a behavior that could warrant an in-school-suspension, the following steps must take place: 1. Review the evidence and ensure that the incident giving rise to the suspension is properly documented. (May be done by the principal, dean, or designee.) 2. Except in cases where a scholar’s behavior poses an immediate threat to the safety of scholars or staff, the principal or dean will conduct an informal hearing with the scholar. In this informal hearing, the scholar will hear the reasons for the removal from class and have an opportunity to informally present the scholar’s version of the relevant events before the principal, or dean makes a decision whether to assign In School Suspension. 3. After the informal hearing, the principal or dean will determine the appropriate consequence and, if it’s an In School Suspension, the length of suspension. In determining the length of the In School Suspension, the principal or dean may receive and consider evidence of past disciplinary problems which have led to previous disciplinary actions. The decision of the principal or dean with regard to disciplinary actions up to and including In-School Suspensions shall be final. 4. The principal, dean or their designee will make reasonable attempts by telephone to immediately notify the parent/guardian of the In School Suspension, stating the cause(s) leading to the discipline, the length of In School suspension, and what the scholar must do to re-enter the school community.