AF Amistad High School Family Handbook 2017-2018 | 84 Scholar Searches In order to maintain the security of all its scholars, Achievement First staff reserve the right to conduct searches of its scholars and their property when there is reasonable suspicion that the scholar has violated the law or a school rule. If searches are conducted, the school will ensure that the privacy of the scholars is respected to the extent possible and that scholars and their families are informed of the circumstances surrounding and results of the search. The school authorizes the Principal and the Principal’s designee(s) to conduct searches of scholars and their belongings if the authorized school official has reasonable suspicion to believe that the search will result in the evidence that the scholar violated the law or the school’s Code of Conduct or otherwise constituted a threat to the health, safety, welfare, or morals of the school, other scholars, school personnel, or any other person lawfully on school property or attending a school function. In authorizing searches, the school acknowledges both state and federal constitutional rights which are applicable to personal searches of scholars and searches of their possessions. Scholars may be subject to personal searches and searches of their possessions where reasonable individualized suspicion exists to conduct such search. Reasonable individualized suspicion to conduct a search of a scholar or a scholar’s possessions and the scope of the particular search shall be based upon, among other things, the scholar’s age, the prevalence and seriousness of the problem to which the search is directed, the urgency necessitating an immediate search, and the probative value and reliability of information used as justification for the search. Scholars have no reasonable expectation of privacy rights in school lockers, cubbies, desks, or other school storage places. The school exercises overriding control over such school property, which may be opened and subjected to inspection at any time by school officials. Field Trips/End of Year Events The school’s curriculum requires outside learning experiences or special school events. During these activities, it is important for all scholars to be responsible for their behavior since the site of the activity or event is a temporary extension of the school grounds. A signed permission slip is required for participation in all school-sponsored field trips and events that take place off of school property. A scholar may be considered ineligible for a trip/event for reasons including, but not limited to: not returning the school-sponsored trip permission form, involvement in a disciplinary incident on a prior trip, poor school attendance, misbehavior or severe lack of academic effort in the day of or days prior to the trip, low Wolf Point report totals/averages, outstanding debt to school, etc. Scholars who are considered ineligible for attending a trip will be required to attend school that day.