b'R&D AWARDEntries included innovative emerging technologies from R&D departments within industry and academia. Shortlisted Entries are: Element Six DNV-B1, the worlds first widely available quantum diamond grade optimised for a wide rangeof quantum applicationsDNV-B1 is the first quantum diamond grade, developed with and for customers, providing academia with easy access to materials and therefore lowering the innovation barrier to new technologies. DNV-B1 offers a unique solid-state platform that can be initialised and read out at room temperature.Donisi HealthContact free bio-sensing and diagnosisA laser-based sensor that, from a distance, measures nano-vibrations occurring in our body, and which are translated into simultaneous sensing of many vital bio-signs at once. After analysing them with artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms it produces a medical grade diagnosis related to cardio-pulmonary diseases. HR Wallingford D-MOSS Dengue Fever Early Warning System: Using Satellite Earth Observations & Machine Learningto Forecast Dengue FeverD-MOSS, the Dengue Model forecasting Satellite-based System, is the first functional dengue fever early warning system that uses satellite Earth Observation (EO) data, in-situ observations, and seasonal climate forecasts to issue regular forecasts of dengue fever.eandt.theiet.org/innovation#eandtawards 20'