b'Partner News Summer 2022 7IET updatesInsight WeekThe IET Partnerships team recently hostedOver 275 of our Partnership Community an Insight Week to give our Partners aregistered to attend at least one of the chance to learn about different areassix sessions and took the opportunity of the IET, form discussions and haveto network and collaborate, expanding conversations around the hottest topics intheir knowledge of the IET and shaping engineering and technology. discussions for the future.From 19 until 29 April, Insight WeekAttending the Cyber Security sessions, compromised six sessions, both digitallyJamie Nettleingham, Senior Safety and physically, exploring a range of topics,Consultant at Safeguard Engineering, said: including the Future of ManufacturingI really enjoyed the 90-minute session and roundtable - the first in-person Insight Weekthought the host kept it interactive and session we have held since the pandemic. asked a fair number of questions. The panel members were very knowledgeable and did Insight Week Agendanot speak in technical/acronym language for Future of Manufacturing Round table the audience. Hosted by Corporate Partner, IN4.0, at their HOST venue, this physical session discussedThe session also explored how to the future of manufacturing, highlightedcommunicate the importance of cyber key business figures from the local area andsecurity to employees and clients. Chris featured representatives from our CorporateHaynes, Senior Engineer at FirstCo, and Enterprise Partners. said: I particularly enjoyed the different suggestions on how to get cyber security Cyber Security (Enterprise andbest practices across to employees. The Corporate) During this session, we heardidea of sharing experiences of when from Wayne Horkan, a cyber specialistsomething went wrong and what happens and entrepreneur who discussed applyingif they click emails, rather than just telling security by design approaches, such as shiftthem not to. left, and the importance of implementing security engineering in the developmentThere was also great feedback from and production process. Plus, how applyingthose who attended the Volunteering a cyber security risk qualification to theOpportunities session and learnt how they procurement and vendor managementcan give back to the engineering community processes will help us understand whatand gain from the experience themselves. potential exposure you may be vulnerable to from your supply chains. Ewan Peace, TSSA Engineering Team Leader at Alstom, said: Well presented content Codes and Guidance Understandingappropriate for the subject. Having an more about the IET Codes and Guidanceaccount from a PRA was useful as it showed team and what opportunities people canthe benefits available to volunteers and theOur next Insight Week is get involved in.candidate they support.planned for October 2022, if you Volunteering Opportunities exploringIf you are interested in attending anyhave any suggestions for topics the different volunteering opportunitiesfuture Insight Week sessions or haveor sessions please contact your available to members, including Professionalany suggestions on topics, please emailaccount manager. Registration Advisors and Industryyour account manager or contact us at Representatives. partnerships@theiet.org'