b'Praying for Your Child Your prayers for your sponsored child, their family, and community are powerful and essential! To begin with, you can pray for your childs health and safety, and pray the same for their family members. This may include adequate provision of food and clean water. If you know that your sponsored child has a poor health record, pray for improvement and restoration of their health. Please also pray that your student would be able to perform academically to the best of their ability. In addition, pray for their future educational opportunities and that they might have the chance to fully benefit from all they have learned. As you get to know your sponsored child better, you can pray for their specific needs. Feel free to ask them how you can be praying for them and their family. Finally, please pray that your sponsored child will fully realize Gods love for them, come to know Jesus as Savior, and ultimately follow His plan for their life. Know that your long-term commitment to sponsoring and praying for your child will be vital in helping them reach their full potential.If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Cindy at (605) 214-3212.7'