b'Partner News Winter 2022 27CorporateSurface engineeringBy Surface Engineering Association Surface engineering refers to a wide range ofIn brief, surface engineering is relevant technologies designed to modify the surfaceto all types of products critical to the properties of metallic and non-metallictechnical and/or economic success of many components for functional and/or decorativetechnologies. It can increase performance, purposes. It has been given many differentreduce costs and control surface properties definitions over the years but is probablyindependently of the substrate, offering best defined as the treatment of the surfaceenormous potential for:and near-surface areas of a material to allow the surface to perform functions that areImproved functionalityoften very different to those of the baseThe solution to previously insurmountable material. engineering problemsThe possibility to create entirely new An engineering component usually failsproductswhen its surface cannot adequatelyConservation of scarce material withstand the external forces orresourcesenvironment to which it is subjected.Reduction of power consumption and The choice of a surface material with theeffluent outputappropriate thermal, optical, magneticThe sector makes a major contribution to and electrical properties and sufficientThe Surface Engineering Association (SEA)the UK economy as almost all manufactured resistance to wear, corrosion andis a Birmingham based trade associationsproducts undergo some form of surface degradation, is crucial to its functionality.representing firms involved in all aspectsengineering, making the sector a vitally Sometimes technological progressof surface finishing/coating activities.important part of the total manufacturing and manufacturing efficiency may beMembership comprises predominantlysupply chain.constrained solely by surface requirements.of SMEs applying all forms of surface engineering coatings and supply companiesFor more information, visit:For example, the fuel efficiency and powerto these industries.www.sea.org.ukoutput of gas turbines or diesel engines are limited by the ability of key components to withstand high temperatures. However, it is often impractical, inefficient or uneconomical to manufacture components from a bulk material simply for its surface propertiesfar better to use a cheaper, more easily formed underlying material and coat it with a suitable high performance film. The resulting product conserves scarce material resources, performs better than the original and may well be cheaper to produce.Improving the functionality of an existing product is only one aim of surface engineering. New coatings and treatment processes may also create opportunities for new products which could not otherwise exist. For example, satellites could not function, nor could modern power plants operate safely, without the application of advanced surface engineering techniques.'