b'32 Partner News Winter 2022CorporateInspection,Offshore cranes are defined as pedestal-mounted lifting appliances with slewing facility, used to lift, lower or move loads maintenance andand/or personnel to and from marine vessels, barges and offshore structures. They are considered vitally important to keeping operations running smoothly as thorough examinationalmost everything going on and off offshore structures, including food and water, needs cranes to be working.of general-purposeOffshore cranes were introduced to the UK in the late 60s when oil and gas exploration, discovery and subsequent offshore cranes production began. The first offshore cranes, referred to as 1st generation cranes, were typically land base designed cranes installed on offshore structures and extremely limited in their ability to cope in the harsh environment of offshore.By SparrowsAs these standards have evolved, they have better considered the specifics of the offshore environment and the dynamic loadings these cranes are faced with.'