b'5. SAFETYSafetyThe installation of panels on any building structure requires careful planning to ensure all work can be carried out in a safe manner.The establishment of a detailed Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) as well as all onsite safety procedures are the responsibility of the panel installation contractor. The detailed Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) must include the roles and responsibilities of all persons involved in the project. It must clearly outline what safety equipment is required, how it is to be utilized for each stage of the project and must comply with all aspects of the current Workplace Health and Safety Act. If the installer determines that they cannot install the panels in accordance with the installation drawings contained in this guide in conjunction with the Safe Work MethodStatement(SWMS)requirements,itistheirresponsibilitytodetermine appropriate alternative procedures.Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)Prior to the commencement of any installation , the panel installation contractor mustreadandfamiliarizethemselveswiththeSafetyDataSheets(MSDS) applicable to the panel type being used. Current versions of Delta Panels Data Safety Sheet EPS-FR Panels, Data Safety Sheet PIR Panels, Data Safety Sheet TPC Panels & Data Safety Sheet MW Panels are available upon request or online at www.deltapanels.comGeneral Safety Reminder. Hooks, wire cables and hardware used as tie-offs should be covered so that they do not scratch panel and trim surfaces. Use an approved and safe walking platform in high traffic areas to prevent damage to panels. Do not use panels as working platforms. Unsecured panels can slide or collapse under the weight of workers and equipment. Do not stand on the end of unsupported cantilevered panels, as this may result in panel collapse. Avoidpointloads(concentratedloadsinsmallareas).Heavyequipment, ladders, platform feet etc. may cause panel damage that could result in collapse. Do not install panels in high winds or other unsafe working conditions. Secure all loose panels with banding or tie-downs.Use clamps as necessary to hold panels in place until fastening is complete. Avoid panel and lifting equipment contact with electrical power lines, equipment and services. Verifythatthebuildingstructureiscompleteandproperlyaligned,withall connections and bracing in place and secured. Head Office: 731 Boundary Road, Richlands, Qld 4077 Page: 8 of 68Sydney Depot: 11 The Northern Road, Narellan, NSW. 2567 Version Date: 2024-05-30ABN: 11 147 861 292 P: +61 7 3271 2170 E: info@deltapanels.comW: www.deltapanels.com'