b'30 Partner News Summer 2023CorporateThe Impact of Industry 4.0 on MES Applications By BilfingerThe Fourth Industrial Revolution throughprocess data by standardising theThe horizontal integration begins with adoption of disruptive technologiesprocess information through meta- the upstream supply chain and all related such as cloud computing, additivedata and modular approach. logistics supporting flow of information manufacturing, Industrial Internet ofDissolving data silos between thefurther required for planning and scheduling Things or 5th Generation wirelessprocesses, hence enriching theof the production. It encompasses the plant-technologies has resulting in a changespectrum of available information. level activities across distributed production of approach to manufacturing. Necessity of drawing requirementsfacilities allowing coordination of the for data presentation andproduction processes within the enterprise.As an increasing number of companiesavailability across stakeholders.are deploying Industry 4.0 solutions toSelection of key data for decision making. The vertical integration spans across all enhance performance and efficiencies,Understanding processes throughlogical levels of organisation starting with these Industry 4.0 solutions will increasingcomprehension of the vast amountthe field level. It is a key requirement for interact with and impact upon Manufacturingof the historised data throughreducing reaction time of the enterprise Execution System (MES) solutions. utilisation of cloud computing,and for assisting strategical and tactical machine learning and data mining. decision making. Stakeholders should have an Stages Industry 4.0 Development Capability for process modelling,access to the relevant information through a The Industry 4.0 maturity model breakssimulation and optimisation through thecollaborative production management (CPM).the recommended stages of implementingconcept of Digital Twin supported by AI.Industry 4.0 projects. This model consists ofSupport for multi-objective,Looking at how this impacts MES, the two stages to digitise the asset, followed byreal-time decision making. objectives from an MES perspective are:four stages of Industry 4.0 transformation.The objectives of Industry 4.0 projectsSafe integration of upstream, These development stages enable aThe main objective behind carryingsupply chain into the logistical structured, planned and well executedout Industry 4.0 projects are makingcontrol and production systems.Industry 4.0 transformation. By workingcomplex manufacturing processes moreIntegration across distributed through these development stages, theefficient and at the same time highlymanufacturing facilities within an asset becomes a mature Industry 4.0 asset.responsive to the changing conditions.enterprise, allowing for coordination These objectives can largely by satisfiedbetween plant-level MES.In real terms this process seeks to achieve: by ensuring comprehensive horizontal andSafe integration of downstream, the Managed historisation of all comingvertical integration of enterprise activities. product distribution systems into the'