b'Member News November 2019 13Professional developmentEngineering Technician:the credential that tookmy career to new heightsApprentice to aerospace engineerFrida started her career at Rolls-Royce as an apprentice, receiving on-the-job training and day release to gain a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After completing her apprenticeship, Frida achieved EngTech, which helped herto progress at Rolls-Royce. Being able to say I am EngTech really helped me when interviewing for my current job, as it shows my willingness to improve myself, she says. It also shows the level of competency that I have reached and provides me with professional credibility.Frida Nzaba EngTech TMIETWhen Frida Nzaba achieved registrationGoing for EngTechas an Engineering Technician (EngTech), Achieving EngTech involved developing the required she didnt anticipate that a few monthscompetences and completing an application form. Frida says later shed move into a new role repairingthis process was made a lot easier by having a mentor. jet engines. I would certainly advise anyone who is considering professional registration to get a mentor, she says. Preferably one who is in your company, who has been I go into work and see variousthrough the registration process and is able to guide you jet engines being stripped andin the right direction. If you are still in education, I would assembled ready to dispatchBeing able to say I amrecommend signing up for a mentor who is part of the to the customerits just mindprofessional body you want to be registered with.blowing, says Frida, a RepairEngTech really helped Capability Manufacturing Engineerme when interviewing at Rolls-Royce Engine Overhaul Services in Derby.for my current job, asSet for new challengesit shows my willingness Her role involves devising ways toWith EngTech to her name, Frida is embracing new repair jet engine components andto improve myself. challenges. Since achieving registration and experiencing seeing the repair through, usingwhat its like to have a mentor, Frida has become one herself. her combination of technical andShes been volunteering for the Association for Black and interpersonal skills.What excites me most is beingMinority Ethnic Engineers Making Engineering Hot mentoring able to identify a problem andscheme for the past year. having the support from my team and stakeholders to resolve itThis was a challenge to myself to use all the experience in a timely manner, she says.that I have accumulated over the years, she says. Im now I enjoy the fact that my teamadvising younger students on the various career paths feels like a small family becauseavailable to them.we always have each others best interests in mind and help wherever possible. Being anIf youre interested in developing yourself and yourengineer in such an environmentcareer, apply for EngTech with us. Find out more at:certainly helps you to excel! theiet.org/engtech'