b'About CAAASAPrograms for EducatorsFounded in 1993, CAAASA is a non-profitAfrican American Leadership Academyorganization whose mission is to address critical issues in education as they relate to AfricanMore than 100 professionals met in Oakland, CA Americans in California. The organizationsin July of 2023, for CAAASAs African American primary purpose is to positively impact educationalLeadership Academy for Aspiring Superintendents. outcomes for K-16 African American students andThis professional development event enabled their families.attendees to obtain advice from HR professionals, attorneys and educators and discuss support CAAASA is particularly concerned that Africanservices for career advancement.American and Latino students, as well as ourRound-Up of Educational Leaders underserved students, continue to fall below nationaland Statewide Organizationsnorms of student achievement and performanceCAAASAs Annual Round-Up of Educational Leaders measures. In addition, low graduation rates, coupledwas held in Marina del Rey, CA in September of 2023. with high dropout rates, the disproportionateMore than 200 educators, education stakeholders overrepresentation of students of color enrolled inand elected officials from throughout California special education programs, and the high rate ofattended the event, hosted in partnership with the school suspension and expulsion for our underservedLos Angeles Alliance of Black School Educators students are critical concerns that must be(LACABSE) and the National Coalition on Education addressed by Californias education community.Equity (NCOEE).CAAASA works closely with the California StateCalifornia Collaborative forDepartment of Education and other statewideEducational Excellence (CCEE)organizations to address key educational issues, andProfessional Learning Networkwith African American administrators, by providingCAAASA continued its partnership with California training, mentoring and support for members whoCollaborative for Educational Excellence to identify are aspiring to become superintendents and/orand address inequities experienced by African advance in other administrative careers. American students in K-12 schools. This African American Professional Learning Network (AAPLN) As a community-based organization, CAAASAincludes: San Diego County Office of Education; is concerned with the educators who teach ourFresno Unified School District; Lynwood Unified children, the community stakeholders whoseSchool District; Pittsburg Unified School District; contributions assist us in improving the lives of BlackRobla School District; San Lorenzo Unified School and other students of color, and the families whoseDistrict and the Napa County Office of Education, households contribute overwhelmingly to the successeach developing specific Problems of Practice of the whole child. CAAASA continues to expand its(PoPs) to tackle issues of inequity within their local reach, with parent empowerment workshops, healtheducational agencies (LEAs).Research findings and clinics, and wrap-around services that directly impactstrategies are shared within the group, which focuses students and their families.on testing system change processes to improve learning, achievement, and educational attainment Through grants, community partnerships andoutcomes for Black students. sponsorships, CAAASA is able to empower educators, children, and families on their road to helping students succeed in school and in life. As a result of CAAASAs work and reputation in the field of education leadership, the organization has seen its membership increase over the last year. Here is a snapshot of CAAASAs activities for the previous fiscal year.'