b'decision.The list of speakers included Cheryl Black Student Achievement in Mathematics Brown Henderson, daughter of plaintiff Oliver CAAASA continued its partnership with the SanBrown and Founder/President, Brown Foundation Diego County Office of Education to provide a seriesfor Educational Equity. At the end of the summit, of professional learning experiences for teachersa womens Unity event was held, featuring and administrators. The training aims to improveinformation specific to women. mathematics achievement for African AmericanNational Conferencestudents (and other struggling students) in the SanIn May of 2024, in partnership with the National Diego Unified School District, the Sweetwater UnionCoalition on Education Equity, CAAASA hosted High School District, and other school districts ina national conference, Meeting the Promise of San Diego and Sonoma Counties. The goal is toBrown v. Board: 70 years Later, commemorating the change the common narrative about Black studentanniversary of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education achievement by advancing three asset-baseddecision. The conference, held in Washington, principles: 1. All African American children can excel;DC, featured national legislators, policymakers, 2. All African American students can showcase theirorganizational leaders and academics. Additionally, academic brilliance and 3. Every African Americanoriginal research by leading academics from across student can succeed in math if we are teachingthe country, addressing the impact of the Brown mathematics effectively. decision was highlighted.Conference attendees received nine white papers, written by each of the researchers and published by The Spencer Foundation.The intention of the conference was to layout the need, as outlined by the partners, including The National Coalition on Education Equity (NCOEE), Learning Policy Institute (LPI), Spencer Foundation, William T. Grant Foundation, National Urban League, The Education Trust and College Board, and begin a five-year effort to develop a national equity plan for African American and other students of color. The national equity plan will be unveiled in 2029, the 75th anniversary of the Brown court decision.Programs for Students/Annual Statewide Professional Parents/FamiliesDevelopment Summit Black Student AchievementMore than 1100 educators and education-relatedProgram Partnershipstakeholders met in March of 2024 in San Diego, CA,CAAASA continued its partnership with LAUSDs with several hundred participating virtually for theBlack Student Achievement Program (BSAP), largest CAAASA professional development summitto provide educational activities and wellness to-date. The event featured 6 plenary sessions andservices to LAUSD students and their families.In more than 100 concurrent workshops, discussingMarch of 2024, BSAP brought LAUSD students to issues critical to the educational success of AfricanCAAASAs Youth Empowerment Summit (a pre-event American and other students of color. Themed,of CAAASAs Annual Professional Development Brown v. Board of Education: 70 Years Later:Summit) to engage in educational and inspirational addressing our history, successes and where weactivities. Additionally, CAAASA assisted BSAP in go from here, the event featured original researchthe planning and execution of several Black Family by nationally known researchers from across theReunion events held at schools throughout the country, highlighting the impact of the Brown courtschool district.'