b'Partner News Spring 2021 37CorporateArtificialPureFlyt is the Flight Management System ofThaless new Air Traffic Flow Management the future. Fully connected and scalable, it(AFTEM) system uses a predictive model constantly monitors, adjusts and fine-tunesof global air traffic to propose trajectories intelligencethe trajectory of an aircraft to optimise thethat are optimised in terms of environmental flight for fuel consumption and ensure betterperformance (pollution and noise). helpingon-time performance and more comfortableEvery minute, the system also updates the flights for passengers and crews.trajectories based on actual aircraft positions aerospaceAs the brains of tomorrows aircraft, theand data on wind conditions and other system ingests information in real time from aclimate phenomena.industry inlarger number of sources, not only data fromBy combining AI with Thales expertise in the aircrafts own systems but also external sources such as weather services. trajectory prediction algorithms for flight greener skiesThe technology behind PureFlyt has reachedmanagement systems, it is possible to predict air traffic with a high degree of initiative an unprecedented level of maturity inreliability and thus anticipate the decisions the fields of cybersecurity and artificialthat will need to be made. intelligence. AI has been used in countless flight tests to simulate some two billionDecisions are proposed by the algorithm Two out of every three planes around thescenarios and clock up the equivalent of 100to optimise the use of all resources (fuel, world take-off and land with the help ofmillion flight hours in cumulative experience. airspace, taxiways, apron, etc.).technology from the global tech company Thales. Beyond the flight management system,Developed on a collaborative platform and Thales innovations are also shaping thehosted in a secure cloud environment, these But the international giant is also committedfuture of air traffic management. In additionATFM services can be quickly deployed to using its technology and expertise into the onboard systems that make it possibleand used over the Internet by all the the aerospace industry to play its part into optimise traffic flows at the local level,stakeholders in the air traffic ecosystem (air reducing global CO2 emissions.and augmented connectivity betweentraffic controllers, airport operators, airlines, onboard systems and the air traffic controlmaintenance providers).In this article, Thales unveils some of theinfrastructure, tomorrows ground-based air groups advances in flight and air traffictraffic management systems will optimiseThe ATFM and PureFlyt systems combined management and artificial intelligence (AI)traffic across one or several airspace controlare expected to reduce aircraft CO2 that will help enable a low-carbon future forareas.emissions by as much as 10% by 2023.the industry.This overall optimisation takes all flights One of the most striking advances is to useinto consideration to increase the impact of AI to constantly look for the most efficientlocal optimisation within any given air traffic route of the aircraft while in the air, taking onecosystem.board all variety of affecting factors.'