b'22 Partner News Spring 2022EnterprisePhotos by Ash MillsIntroducingALPHR Technology has recently signed up as an IET Enterprise Partner. Its keen to share its knowledge and experience in return for the support the business and its staff will ALPHRgain from the IET and fellow partners. ALPHR is an automation company with over 30 years global experience providing an industry-leading range of Technology test and complex assembly solutions. Its undergoing a significant business transformation and partnership with the IET supports the positive changes that have already taken place.Business transformationSince becoming part of the Indutrade By Louise Tunnard business group in 2016, ALPHR set in motion a process of positive transformation. Indutrades guiding principles are to build resilience, operate in an environmentally friendly way, to create companies that clients and suppliers will want to work with and to add value to their staff.'