b'6 Partner News Summer 2021IET updatesFoothold launches wellbeing hub for engineering industryFoothold, the independent charityspecialist and outsourced solutions supporting engineers including IETprovider.members, has launched an online wellbeing hub. The new platform gives anyoneGattacas Group Director, Matthew Wragg, working or studying in engineering free,said: Its clear that the past year has on-demand access to clinically approvedbeen an extremely challenging time for resources and techniques to supportso many people, financially, physically, mental and physical wellbeing. Footholdsocially and mentally, which is why its so encourages HR departments and heads ofimportant to ensure that those struggling engineering organisations to offer this newhave access to the appropriate help they resource to their employees. need. Our collaboration with Foothold and subsequent fundraising challenge to Foothold Support Services andpay for this online mental wellbeing hub is Development manager Denice Houslin said:helping us do just that.Since the start of the pandemic, calls for our support have tripled. This is a trendThe hub features clinically approved reflected by the rest of the sector. Bute-learning sessions on a wide range of addressing and improving mental wellbeinghealth and wellness topics including: in particular is important because our state of mind impacts our ability to handleCovid-19relationships, resilience, pressure in other areas of life. Were proudbereavement, managing worries.to be able to support the engineeringMental healthstress, low mood, community this way. anxiety.Physical healthdiet, exercise, sleep, Research shows that good wellbeing instopping smoking.the workplace brings measurable benefits,Substance abusestopping/decreasing including increases in profit and betterdrug and alcohol use.ability to recruit top talent. Work stress isMoneydebt and borrowing, planning, one of the main causes of long-term illnesssaving, and investing.in the UK so increasing employee wellbeing offers benefits beyond an increase inIn the next 12 months, the Foothold productivity and performance. Offeringwellbeing hub will provide at least 1,000 staff access to wellbeing resources couldfree wellbeing sessions for those studying prevent burnout, improve engagement andand working in engineering. morale, as well as help address any issues before they become critical.This approach is part of Footholds ongoing commitment to give people in the A recent Mental Health First England pollengineering community accessible tools to found that 41% of employees have hadsupport their wellbeing before they reach fewer or no wellbeing check-ins from theircrisis point.employer since the start of the pandemic. To change this, employers are beingIf your organisation is interested in encouraged to provide resources, such asimproving employee wellbeing with the Footholds platform, to support their teams.help of Foothold wellbeing hub, please signpost staff to myfoothold.org/The online platform is being fundedwellbeinghub for free access.through a collaboration with Gattaca PLC, an engineering and technology recruitment'