b'STEP 2SELECT THE PATIO TYPETYPE 0Free-Standing(Cp,n +0.5/0.7) TYPE 3Three Side Attached(Cp,n +1.2)TYPE 1/1POne Side Attached(Cp,n +0.7/0.5) TYPE 4All Sides Attached(Cp,n +1)TYPE 2 Notes: Minimum Pitch:Two Side Attached 1.A side wall is classed as closed in if 70% 2(Cp,n +1)of the cross sectional area is covered.2.A above = DeltaSpan TMPanel Span3 (refer to Step 2). 33.C above = DeltaSpan TMOverhang. 2316 ABN: 11 147 861 292E: info@deltapanels.com P: +61 7 3271 2170 W: www.deltapanels.com Version Date:17A: 731 Boundary Road, Richlands, Qld 4077Sydney Depot: 11 The Old Northern Road, Narellan, NSW 25672024-03-24'