b'DeltaFireX TMCar Port System 4.2.2General Hazard The following statistics indicating type and severity of domestic fires was obtained from Dowling and Ramsay (1997), Australian Bureau of Statistics: Home Fire Safety (2000), Fire Statistics UK (2002): 70% of fires are caused by the misuse of equipment including cooking appliances, candles, heaters, electrical appliances 20% of fires are due to arson 10% of fires are due to electrical faults 3% of fires start outside 2.2% of fires, which start inside, spread beyond the building of origin 76% of reported fires do not spread beyond the room of origin whether by good fortune or by occupant intervention 80% of fires are not reported to the fire brigade. They are extinguished by occupants while the fires are small 30% of fires start in kitchens, 10% in bedrooms i.e. approximately 3% per bedroom. From the above statistics it is evident that only a small fraction of reported residential home fires start outside the building and an even smaller fraction of fires that start inside the building, spread beyond the building of fire origin. Unreported fires (which make up approximately 80% of all fires) are typically those that are extinguished, further reducing the number of fires that spread beyond the building of fire origin. Based on the statistics, as the building contains fire load of a relatively small scale, it is unlikely that a fire within the building will spread to the neighbouring building and as a result, the hazard of occupants being exposed to heat and/or smoke is low. 4.3Performance to be Assessed The performance solution must be assessed for whether it mitigates the identified hazards to performance requirement: H3P1Spread of Fire: (1) A Class 1 building must be protected from the spread of fire such that the probability of a building not being able to withstand the design heat flux of 92.6 kW/m 2for a period of 60 minutes shall not exceed 0.01, when located within 900 mm from the allotment boundary or within 1.8 m from another building on the same allotment from(i)Another building other than an associated Class 10 building; and (ii)The allotment boundary, other than a boundary adjoining a road or public space. 4.4Systems The systems proposed are: This performance solution is solely applicable to the DeltaFireX TMcar port system which may comprise either DeltaTrim-MW or DeltaOrb-MW sandwich panels with a core consisting of mineral wool (with a density of 100 kg/m 3 ) - (refer to Section 3 describing the permitted system), non-combustible supporting structure and non-combustible plumbing fixtures (gutters and downpipes). All components used in the awning construction shall be compliant with Section 3. The components shall not be modified except with the written authorisation of the manufacturer and SOTERA. The following restrictions apply for the Class 10a awning installation: Revision 1-419'