b'10 Partner News Autumn 2023AcademicFlexible e-skin could mean rise of soft machines that can feelBy The University of EdinburghA team of researchers based in the SchoolUsing the e-skinwhich is 1mm thickin of Engineering have developed electroniccombination with artificial intelligence, skin that could pave the way for soft, flexibleresearchers were able to give soft robots robotic devices to assist with surgicalthe ability to rapidly sense their motions procedures or aid peoples mobility. and deformations with millimetre accuracy in three dimensions, in real time.The creation of stretchable e-skin by the researchers gives soft robots for the firstThe team tested their e-skin by fitting it time a level of physical self-awarenessto a soft robot arm. They found that the similar to that of people and animals. Thetechnology was able to sense a range of technology could aid breakthroughs in softcomplex bending, stretching and twisting robotics by enabling devices to detectmovements across every part of the device.precisely their movement in the most sensitive of surroundings, the team says. Data-driven collaborationThe study, published in the journal Nature Soft robots Machine Intelligence, was led by Dr Yunjie Soft robotswhich are made of pliableYang and Dr Francesco Giorgio-Serchi, materials rather than metal or hardwho are both Data Driven Innovation plasticwith e-skin could have a rangeChancellors Fellows in the School. The of applications, including surgical tools,papers lead author is Delin Hu, a PhD prosthetics and devices to explore hazardousstudent based in the Schools Institute for environments. Unlike traditional rigid robots,Digital Communications (IDCOM).Dr Giorgio-Serchi said: The flexibility of which have a set range of movements, softthe technology we have developed means robots are highly flexible. The research was also a collaboration withit could be applied to various soft robots Dr Shiming Zhang, a material science expertto enable them to accurately perceive their This poses a major challenge to developingat the University of Hong Kong. own shape and movements. Ultimately, that the sensing systems that are essential formeans we are now closer to making some robots to carry out precise tasks and interactThe researchers received support from theof the most exciting ideas in soft robotics a safely with people and the environment,Data Driven Innovation programme, partreality.researchers say. Without e-skin, it is hard forof the Edinburgh and South East Scotland soft robots to understand their own motionCity Region Deal. They have worked closelyThe e-skin is the latest development and shape, and how these qualities interactwith the Universitys commercialisationin computer science and AI since the with their environment. service, Edinburgh Innovations, and plan toUniversity established its first research commercialise the technology. hubs in the disciplines 60 years ago. A Precision sensing year-long programme of events will mark The University of Edinburgh team is the firstStep change achievements over the past six decades and to develop technology that overcomes thisDr Yang said: The perceptive senseslook to the future of computer science and problem and provides soft robots with highlyendowed to robotic devices by this newAI at Edinburgh.accurate, real-time sensing abilities. Thetechnology are similar to those of people researchers created a flexible e-skin made ofand animals. This new level of physical self- Find out more and read the study: a thin layer of silicone embedded with wiresawareness represents a step change in thewww.nature.com/articles/s42256-023-and sensitive detectors. sensing capabilities of soft robots. 00622-8'