b'Partner News Autumn 2023 5IET updatesSupporting engineerswith accreditation IET Corporate Partner GE have recently had their Aerospace Defence and Systems course accredited by the IET to better support their engineers and technicians with professional registration and their own development. Dan Nicholls MIET from GE explains why.Holding an accredited scheme with the IETLucy Bryne and the Professional is an international benchmark awarded toRegistration Engagement Management team professional development schemes, as wellwere exceptional and were able to support as apprenticeship and higher educationus with each step, offering valuable advice programmes.and guidance. Company scheme accreditation canSupporting Professional Registrationhelp companies with their recruitment,Now GE also have the ability to get offer a streamlined route to professionalmonthly reviews on the progress of schemeDan Nicholls has seen registration and demonstrates that anparticipants as well as regular feedback onthe benefits of company organisation has the right calibre of staff,how they can improve the scheme and itsaccreditation for GE in the numbers of participants something that GE were keen to takeperformance.achieving professional advantage of. registration.Prior to becoming accredited GE were We sought IET Accreditation to ensure ouralready being given support from the scheme was providing the best supportIETs registration engagement team and for members to progress to professionalthey have already been able to see the registration as well as receive externalimprovements since becoming accredited. feedback so we can make sure our scheme stays up to date with industry trends.The number of scheme participants continuing to professional registration has Already GE have seen the benefit ofincreased dramatically and now most of having an accredited scheme with morethem do progress. We have also seen a of their engineers becoming Professionallystepped approach for graduates whereRegistered, and being able to recruit highthey all apply for EngTech at the startpotential graduates to the scheme itself.of the scheme and then apply for IEng by Participants have also been able to accessthe time its complete. IET Mentor training.For more information on IET Dan also gave insight into the process ofAccreditation please contact becoming accredited and what made it suchemployeraccreditation@theiet.org a hassle-free process.'