b'36 Partner News Autumn 2023Corporatewith our neighbours, via interconnection, and also signal when it is beneficial for the UK to be importing. Interconnectors are high voltage direct current (HVDC) subsea cables that connect the electricity systems of two countries.They are super-highways for zero carbonenergy that allow us to move clean energyfrom where it is generated to where it isneeded most. In fact, Ofgem estimatesthat Viking Link, our sixth interconnectordue to be operational in 2024 and the UKsninth, will deliver more than 5 billion worthof benefits to consumers throughout itslifetime. Connecting the UK with Denmarkvia a 765km cable, it will be the worldsUnlocking the North Seaslongest land and subsea interconnector. By2024, National Grids six interconnectors inoperation will total 7.8GW of capacity, whichclean energy potentialis enough flexible capacity to power over 7.8million homes annually.Next stepsInterconnection is the first phase ofdeveloping an offshore grid and we needBy Rebecca Sedler, Managing Directorto continue to work with our Europeanneighbours to unlock the full potential ofof National Grid Interconnectorsthe North Sea. Interconnectors are mutually beneficially on both sides of the connection because they offer real benefits to consumers. The next phase of development The world of energy is ever-changing. As the power sector by 2035. It is estimatedin the North Sea will be Offshore Hybrid we move away from fossil fuels and towards that electricity demand will increase by 50% Assets (OHAs), which represent the next cleaner, greener energy sources, we have to between now and 2035, as more peoplegeneration in interconnector technology. develop more flexible solutions to moving, adopt electric vehicles and electric heatingRather than simply connecting two countries sharing and accessing power, to improve the systems. In addition to swapping out oldlike traditional point-to-point interconnectors,balancing and operability of electricity grids. generation sources we also need scaling upthese hybrid assets will allow for the For decades the North Sea has been a vital for demand growth. In total, it is estimatedconnection of clusters of offshore wind farmsenergy hub for the UK and Europe, home that electricity generation capacityto multiple countriesto a wealth of natural resources.connected to our network will need to treble.OHAs have the potential to accelerate With its shallow waters and strong, prevailing For a low carbon energy future, this will the connection of offshore wind to shore winds, the region is well primed for producing mean growing our offshore wind capacityand lessen the burden of infrastructure wind power. This makes it the perfect place by four and a half to six times fromconstruction on coastal communities. Earlier to be a clean energy powerhouse of Europe what it is today, and also increasing ourthis year, National Grid Ventures, announced in the future. interconnector capacity with Europe.plans to work with the Dutch System The scale of growth is massive, but theOperator, TenneT, on LionLink.By 2050, the North Sea could be home to potential rewards are as well, leading us up to 300GW of offshore wind generation, one step closer to a cleaner, fairer and moreThis new 1.8GW OHA will link the UK with the making a significant contribution to energy affordable energy system for everyone. Netherlands, and provide a further offshore security, as well as being a key contributorconnection to Dutch offshore wind. It will to the global transition to net zero. However,Here in the UK, we have traditionally have the ability to transport enough power with a greater reliance on variable generationimported far more power than we have for 1.8 million UK homes. For the future, the renewables, we will require a much moreexported, but with more renewables goal is a fully integrated and connected flexible energy system. in the generation mix, we can expect North Sea which will maximise the benefits of the direction of the flow to change faroffshore wind for all countries in that region A clean energy future more frequentlyeven within a single day.and beyond. Technological innovations such The scale of our ambition for a clean energy In a system increasingly reliant on variableas interconnectors and OHAs are helping the future is monumental if we are to meet generation renewables, this is key, as weNorth Sea to fulfil is potential as the clean UK government targets to decarbonise can share any excess wind and solar powerenergy heart of Europe.'