b'Partner News Autumn 2023 31Corporatechanges to improve working processes, but, improving processes, learning and moving forward is very positive in terms of time efficiency, often cost and staff morale. I enjoy the change factor and bringing people along on the journey with to make positive culture changes for the better. To bring them into the change, I keep them informed and make sure they are involved in the decision-making process, this ensures that they feel they are part of the change, which supports their commitment once the change is implemented.What are the highlights of working for ABP?The ever-changing port operations offerso many positive benefits to me personally, allowing me to work on diverse and exciting projects.What project are you working onMeet Nicole Geraghty at the moment?I am working on a project called Mainsaver Connect, which is a mobile maintenance system and a game changer for ABP. It means we can open, action and close maintenance tasks on the go, create more By AB Ports up to date reports, and raise new jobs quickly. This will save us a lot of time and ensure tasks are actioned in real time. We will be much more efficient in our decision making and ability to share information Nicole Geraghty is a Maintenance Planner atWhat does your role at ABPquickly. By completing things on the go, we the Port of Southampton; Nicole has workedSouthampton involve? will have instant and high-quality data, yet for the company for nearly two years, andI joined ABP in November 2021 as awithout the paperwork!we spoke to her to find out about theMaintenance Planner. I have a strong exciting projects she has been working onmaintenance background with six yearsWhat advice would you give to a young since joining ABP. of experience within the maritime, oil &engineer about to start their career?gas and utility sectors. In my current role,Take the opportunities that come your way, How did your career move in to theI support the Maintenance Teams at ABPevery role is a new learning dimension in port sector? Southampton. My part is to ensure portyour career path.If something is completely I really enjoy working close to the water andmaintenance work is completed on time andout of your comfort zone or there is an on the coast. I spend a lot of my personalwith the correct information associated withopportunity in a sector you have never and social life on the water, so working atthe maintenance task.worked before, its an opportunity to learn ABP was a perfect fit for me. The companyand apply your knowledge to something and my role is very diverse, and no day isWhat do you most enjoy about your job? different.the same, there is so much that goes on inThe best part of my job is meeting so many the port, the deeper you delve, the moredifferent people. I am lucky to have theI have worked in Oil and Gas, Water Utilities interesting! opportunity to collaborate and engage withand now the port. So, all very different every department across ABP Southamptonsectors but I have transferable skills and Can you tell us a little bit more aboutand my counterparts in the other portslearnt many new things which apply to just what you did before joining ABP? across the UK. these individual sectors.I worked in the oil and gas industry, as a maintenance scheduler in a storageWhat are the challenges terminal. So similar to what I do here but inwithin your role?the oil and gas industry. It was a very highlyOne of the biggest challenges I experience regulated industry and is focused on healthis promoting the reason behind a change and safety which is very similar to the port,in operations. Some of my team members so I could easily transfer my skills from thehave been using the same processes for oil and gas sector to the maritime sector. several years and are less keen to make'