b'Partner News Autumn 2023 3Welcome to Partner NewsThis editionIET Updates 4-7IET Futures Fund4Accreditation with the IET5Postgraduate Research Award Winners 6Powering Net Zero 7MOD 8-9Meet the 2023 Rear Admiral Bateson Award Winner8Academic 10-15University of Edinburghs flexible e-skin 10Embedding AI in barcode scanners 11IET Open House Week at Bangor University 12Semiconductor skills at the University of Sheffield13Enterprise 16-23 Delivering for healthcare with DENPRO 16Issues facing automotive software developers18Silverfox patch panels19Pektrons tech centre 19The future of air mobility 20Balancing the grid with Fundamentals22Corporate 24-37 Partner Spotlight: Zaryab Hussain24 Sally Davidson JonesDigital Twins with Actemium Automation 26 Head of MembershipDelivering a solar farm for the University of York 27A new era in testing28Helping Special Educational Needs students29Back on track for female bobsledding engineer 30Meet Nicole Geraghty 31 Welcome to the Autumn 2023On pages 22 - 23 Enterprise Supply chain innovation: embracing 3D printing 32 edition of Partner News, thePartner Fundamentals explore Clean air switchgear with UKPN 33 magazine for our Partners bywhether home and EV batteries Sighthill bridge opening 34 our Partners. As we move intoare key to balancing the grid as Unlocking the potential of science35 the last quarter of 2023, wewe learn more about the world Integrated communications for newly accessible station 35 hear from organisations acrossof mass energy storage. Unlocking the North Seas clean energy potential 36 our Partnership community Augmented Reality at sea37 about the diverse and dynamicLastly, we take a trip into work they are involved in.Augmented Reality (AR) with BAE Systems as they tell us all In this issue, ahead of ourabout how AR can advance the Powering Net Zero event inway Royal Navy officers keep November, we hear fromwatch on a ships bridge. Head some of our partners on theto page 37 to find out more. work they are doing to support net zero. Turn to page 7 toWe hope you enjoy the 56th learn more. edition of Partner News and feel inspired by what our The University of EdinburghPartners are achieving. take us into the world of robotics and the rise of softIf you have any comments or machines that have the abilitywould like to submit an article, to feel thanks to their newplease contact partnernews@flexible e-skin. Find out moretheiet.org or tweet usabout this incredible invention@TheIET using the hashtag on page 10.#IETPartnerNews.For any enquiries, please refer to pages 38-39 for contact details.Sally Davidson Jones'