b'10|IET Futures FundIf you were to become an engineer, what problem would you want to solve? What is the most important problem that engineers need to solve?If I were to become an engineer, I would like to help solve climate change because it is a huge global issue which will, and is, affecting many factors such as weather, pollution, crop growth etc.I believe climate change is a growing concern which should be addressed as quickly as possible. So far climate change has affected the world in many ways. For example in the UK we are now 30 times more likely to have a heat wave, which 3,400 people died from in the years 2016-2019.If you could pursue any STEM career when you are older, what would you want to do? Florences StoryI would choose to pursue a STEM career in theatre as a set designer. This is because I love theatre as well as engineering, and so it would be the perfect opportunity to be creative as well as construct and engineer. What subject did you look into for the Innovation Project when you took part in FIRST LEGO League CITY SHAPER Challenge? What did you learn? Florence Galley, 15We decided to study adding solar panel IET FIRST LEGO League participant streetlights to areas in our community.'