b"ier 1 Highligh\x1fsBlack SBlack Startarcrosses a New Hampshire Red Male with a Barred Rock female.Black Stars were developed in the 1950's by crossing a New Hampshire Red Male with a Barred Plymouth Rock female for efficient brown egg production and ease of sexing. Black Star chicks have single combs and clean, yellow and black legs and feet. To a produce Black Stars, Ideal Poultry Buff MinorcaBuff MinorcaMinorcas were brought to England in the 1800's from the island of Minorca in the Mediterranean off the coast of Spain. Buff Minorca chicks are buff or straw colored with some having a small brown spot on the head. They have single combs and clean, white legs and feet. The plumage of adult males and females is golden buff and they have large white earlobes.9 1-800-243-3257 IdealPoultry.com sales@idealpoultry.com"