b'Care of Baby PoultrySpace Requirements Li\x1fer/BeddingHatchlings to 10 Weeks- Medium to large wood shavings are best. If using a wire 1/2to 1 Square Foot per Bird brooding system use wire no larger than 1/2 inch. Cover the wire with a non slick material such as burlap, cheesecloth 10 Weeks or More- or paper towel for the first two days. Using newspaper or 3 to 4 Square Foot per Birdother paper products may cause spraddle leg.TemperaturePre-heat the brooder or brooding area 24 hours prior to your chicks arrival.Proper brooding temperature is 95F for the first week, decreasing 5F each week.Red 250 watt heat lamps are preferred to help reduce pecking.Have a draft shield in place approximately 12-18 inches high to reduce draft over the chicks.If your chicks are crowding or completely away from your heat lamp the temperature is too hot or cold. TOO HOTTOO COLDPERFECTFeeding Start chicks using a feeder with sides no higher than one inch in height so they can reach the feed.Commercial chick starter containing 20% protein is recommended for layer type chicks.Meat birds should be started on a high protein/high energy ration to produce rapid growth.Provide grit in the chicks feed to help line the gizzard.Watering Provide clean water to your chicks, refreshing the water 23 times per day.Keep water available 24 hours a day.5 M\x1et Common Predat\x1dsRACOON FOX COYOTE OWL OPOSSUM1-800-243-3257 IdealPoultry.com sales@idealpoultry.com 54'