b'Hatchery Choice Geese Specific Breed Geese1-7 8-15 16-31 32+ 1-7 8-15 16-31 32+ST.RUNS $14.24 $13.54 $13.33 $13.12 ST.RUNS $15.29 $14.59 $14.38 $14.17Geese are available as straight run only - none sexed.Breed Day Old Color Adul Color Mature Body AvailabilityWeight (lbs)MaleFemaleHatchery Choice Assorted Hatcherys choice of Geese, which has not beenAssorted Feb - June Geese sold as Specific Breed Geese.African GrayGray in appearance with a black knob on theirFeb - June head and a dark gray stripe down their back,18 16much like Brown Chinese. Very stately with gray appearance. They have a Brown Chinese Gray large knob on their head and dark gray stripe12 10 Feb - June down back of their neck. Pure White with yellow bill and knob. Very White Chinese Yellow hardy, known as weeder geese and are12 10 Feb - June excellent "watch dogs".African B\x1fown Chinese White ChineseAfrican B\x1fown Chinese White ChineseGeese47 1-800-243-3257 IdealPoultry.com sales@idealpoultry.com'