b'LOKHEADPOWER HAULER (POWERSEAT-COMPACT) Available in gas, electric and battery versionsPortable power for hauling and ascendingHarken Industrial Lokhead Powerand battery versions. The gasoline Haulers are lightweight portableversion of the Power Hauler can be winches that are used in poweredoperated with ease and con dence hauling applications and as mechanicalin situations where engine emissions ascenders for working at height.are not restricted. The battery Power When used as an ascender, the userHauler can be operated in both outdoor is suspended under the unit with fulland indoor environments where engine control from below. Available in gasolineemissions are restricted.Speed control Durability BrakeThe unit is operated using a fail-safeStainless steel load-carryingThe braking system controls descent deadmans switch to control ascentgears and pins provide strengthand provides workers protection speed, up to 15 m/min (49.2 ft/min). and durability. Sealed gearboxagainst free falls. The encapsulating and high-load roller bearingsjaw cover protectsngers and reduce friction under load. Rollerclothing from catching in the winch.bearings are corrosion resistant and do not require lubrication.24'